
What is Harmony and how does it work?

The Harmony® prenatal test is a blood test that screens for trisomy 21, trisomy 18 and trisomy 13. Additional menu options include monosomy X and other sex chromosome aneuploidies, 22q11.2 microdeletion, and fetal sex. The test can be performed as early as 10 weeks of gestation and is validated for pregnant women of any age and risk category.1 The Harmony test can be used in singleton, twin and self- and non-self egg donor pregnancies. 

Simple process for you and your patients

Calenday Day

Order the Harmony test for your patient as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy

Blood Sample

Send a blood sample for analysis using the Harmony specimen and transportation box

Lab Analysis

Receive results from the laboratory


Get clear answers. For questions, talk with your local laboratory or genetics professional.

Expecting parents’ educational resources

  1. Any risk refers to the average risk population (under age 35) and high risk population (over age 35). The Harmony test has been studied in women ages 18-48. Pregnancies with more than two fetuses, a history of vanishing twin, maternal organ transplant or maternal aneuploidy are not eligible for the Harmony test.